Familia Corambidae

Bergh, 1871

Body doridiform, oval. Notum convex, the upper surface smooth or finely granulated. Frontal border of the foot with a median notch. Head small, oral tentacles present. Rhinophores retractile. Anus and renal pore caudal in midline, between notum and foot. Gills between notum and foot, positioned symmetrically at both sides of the anus. Branchial glands present at the bases of the gills. Genital apertures on the right side of the body close behind the head. Jaws absent. Pharyncheal bulb lined with a strong cuticle. Crop large. Radula without central plate, lateral plate with a strongly curved hook bearing a single series of denticles. Marginal plates (3-6 per half radula row) smaller with a simple cusp, decreasing laterally.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Corambe
Corambe obscura