Gray J.E., 1853
Body limaciform, bearing dorso-lateral pallial cerata, usually embossed with tubercles. These cerata are often stout and form a single row on each side, with the tubercles arranged in circlets, one above another. The cerata lack cnidosacs; in some species small gill-like excrescences (pseudobranchs) occur on the mesial faces of the largest cerata. The head bears lateral flap-like expansions. The rhinophores are smooth and finger-like, each arising from a tall flared pallial sheath. The genital openings lie on the right flank, beneath the first ceras, and the anal papilla (with the nephroproct close inside it) lies latero-dorsally, between the 1st and 2nd.
The digestive gland ramifies so that nearly all the lobules lie within the cerata. The stomach lining is unarmed. The radula has the formula n x 0.1.0; frail jaws are usually present.
The ovotestis lies dorsal to the digestive gland ducts; the penis is unarmed.
Source: Thompson, 1988.
The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:
Genus Doto
Doto coronata
Doto cuspidata
Doto dunnei
Doto fragilis
Doto millbayana
Doto pinnatifida
Doto tuberculata