Bergh, 1892
Cryptobranchiate, broad doridaceans with an ample mantle skirt. The dorsal mantle bears abundant small, even, spiculose tubercles. Rhinophores lamellate, without conspicuous pallial sheaths. Branchial pocket lacking flap-like valves. Head with short oral tentacles. Propodium bilaminate, the anterior lamina notched in the midline. Feeding upon encrusting sponges.
The penis is unarmed, but a masculine stylet is present in Jorunna. A distinct prostate gland is present. The buccal mass does not possess a buccal pump. Chitinous jaws are absent but the oral canal is lined by a cuticle which often exhibits a microscopic substructure of small rods. Radula n .0.n , all the teeth hooked and smooth, but extreme marginals are occasionally denticulate or pectinate.
Source: Thompson, 1988.
The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:
Genus Jorunna
Jorunna tomentosa