Familia Lomanotidae

Bergh, 1892

Elongated, soft dendronotaceans. The mantle has a conspicuous sinuous rim from the level of the rhinophore sheaths to the metapodial tip, where the two rims unite. The semilunar sinuosities are reflected alternately mesially and laterally. They bear a series of cerata but no gills, although gill-like wrinkles may be detectable on the largest mesial cerata. The bilobed oral veil bears two pairs of finger-like tentacles. The rhinophores are swollen and bear fine transverse lamellae, tipped by a small papilla. Each rhinophore issues from a large dilated sheath having finger-like processes on the rim. The genital apertures lie on the side, behind the right rhinophore. The anal and renal apertures are mid-lateral, on the right side. Strong lateral propodial tentacles are present.
The digestive gland ramifies, sending branches into the rhinophore sheaths, but does not always penetrate the adult cerata. The stomach lining is unarmed. The radula has the formula n .0.n . Stout jaws are present.
The ovotestis is attached to the rear of the digestive gland. The penis is unarmed.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Lomanotus
Lomanotus genei
Lomanotus marmoratus