Familia Onchidorididae

Alder & Hancock, 1845

Phanerobranchiate, spiculose, flattened, ovoid doridaceans with an ample mantle skirt. Rhinophores lamellate, without well-developed sheaths. Head with flattened oral lobes forming a veil anterior to the mouth. Feeding upon encrusting bryozoans.
The penis may be unarmed (Onchidoris , Adalaria ) or may bear numerous hooked spines (Acanthodoris ). The buccal mass has a muscular, often pedunculate pump. Oral and buccal cuticular thickenings are weak or absent. Radula n . 1.0.1.n or
n .1.1.1.n (n = up to 13). The 1st lateral teeth are large and hooked, while the others are weak, flattened plates, usually lacking erect cusps. Median teeth, where present, are vestigial.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Acanthodoris
Acanthodoris pilosa
Genus Adalaria
Adalaria proxima
Genus Onchidoris
Onchidoris depressa
Onchidoris fusca
Onchidoris inconspicua
Onchidoris luteocincta
Onchidoris muricata
Onchidoris pusilla
Onchidoris sparsa