Ordo Anaspidea

Fischer P., 1883

Shell external, internal or absent, in the adult phase; operculum absent in post-larval stages; mantle cavity widely open; gill present of variable size and form; a purple gland and an opaline gland are usually present in the mantle cavity; foot large, with substantial parapodial lobes, which may be natatory; a grinding gizzard is present, containing non-calcareous spines; radula always present, rather broad; abraded or broken teeth are discarded, not retained in a special sac; hermaphrodite reproductive system with an open external ciliated seminal groove leading to a grooved retractile penis which may bear basal horny spines; impregnation never hypodermic; central nervous system euthyneurous, forming a highly concentrated ganglionic ring around the foregut behind the buccal mass. In habit, the aplysiomorphs are epifaunal herbivores or omnivores. Known as 'Sea-hares'.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this order occur in the region:

Family Akeridae
Genus Akera
Akera bullata
Family Aplysiidae
Genus Aplysia
Aplysia punctata