Familia Goniodorididae

Adams H. & A., 1854

Phanerobranchiate, soft, limaciform doridaceans with the mantle skirt reduced to form a rim which often bears elongated papillae; similar papillae sometimes arise from the rhinophores and from the central dorsum. Rhinophores are lamellate, without basal sheaths. The head has an oral veil which may bear lateral tentacles. They feed upon encrusting polyzoans and ascidians.
The penis bears numerous hooked chitinous spines. A dorsal buccal pump is present, sometimes pedunculate. Jaws, if present, are feebly developed. Radula 1.0.1, or; first lateral highly differentiated.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Ancula
Ancula gibbosa
Genus Goniodoris
Goniodoris castanea
Goniodoris nodosa
Genus Okenia
Okenia leachii
Okenia quadricornis