Familia Turridae

Swainson, 1840

Shell an elongate, often spindle-shaped cone; generally small (up to 15 mm), though some species may reach 25 mm in length. Sculpture variable; strong axial costae and spiral striae, costae and fine spiral element, or spiral striae only. Aperture long and narrow, with a siphonal canal and an anal sinus. Operculum present or absent. Animal without snout; cephalic tentacles with eyes at varying distance from tip; mantle edge drawn out into a siphon on left.

Source: Hayward et al., 1990.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Bela
Bela brachystoma
Bela nebula
Genus Comarmondia
Comarmondia gracilis
Genus Mangelia
Mangelia attenuata
Mangelia coarctata
Mangelia smithii
Genus Oenopota
Oenopota rufa
Oenopota trevelliana
Oenopota turricula
Genus Raphitoma
Raphitoma leufroyi
Raphitoma linearis
Raphitoma purpurea
Genus Teretia
Teretia teres
Genus Typhlomangelia
Typhlomangelia nivalis