Familia Chromodorididae

Bergh, 1891

Cryptobranchiate, moderately soft, broad doridaceans with an ample mantle skirt. The dorsal mantle is glossy and relatively smooth, sometimes bearing sparse, low, soft tubercles. The rhinophores are lamellate, without conspicuous pallial sheaths. The branchial pocket lacks flap-like valves. The head has flattened oral lobes or short tentacles. The propodium is bilaminate, not notched in the midline. Feeding upon encrusting sponges.
The penis is armed with numerous tiny hooked chitinous spines; there is no distinct prostate gland. The buccal mass does not possess a buccal pump. Chitinous jaws are absent, but the oral canal is strongly cuticularized. Radula n. 1.n , all the teeth bearing denticulate ridges on the hooked cusps.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Cadlina
Cadlina laevis