Familia Eubranchidae

Odhner, 1934

Active aeolidaceans having an acleioproctic anal position; cerata swollen, sometimes with annular constrictions and rings of tubercles, and arranged in simple or branched rows. Propodial tentacles are absent, but smooth oral and rhinophoral tentacles (the latter usually much longer than the former) are conspicuous. The penis is unarmed, or armed with a stylet or thorns; having a bulb-like accessory gland near the base. A bursa copulatrix is present, opening into the female atrium.
The cutting edges of the jaws may be smooth or denticulated. The radula is triseriate; the lateral teeth are rectangular and each bears a single cusp.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Eubranchus
Eubranchus cingulatus
Eubranchus doriae
Eubranchus exiguus
Eubranchus farrani
Eubranchus pallidus
Eubranchus tricolor
Eubranchus vittatus