Familia Limidae

Rafinesque, 1815

Shell thin, delicate, typically elongate-oval along a dorsoventral axis. Equivalve. Equilateral or inequilateral with anterior marginally larger than posterior and curvature of anterior margin more pronounced. Valves often gaping. Umbones spaced apart, with a distinct cardinal area between. Sculpture of fine radiating ribs. Usually dull coloured. Ligament internal, in a well-marked chondrophore. No hinge teeth. One indistinct adductor muscle scar only.

Source: Hayward, 1990.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Limaria
Limaria hians
Genus Limatula
Limatula gwyni
Limatula subauriculata
Genus Limea
Limea loscombi