Familia Teredinidae

Rafinesque, 1815

Shell thin, equivalve, inequilateral and highly modified, gaping anteriorly and posteriorly, appearing trilobed and composed of several distinct elements: a triangular anterior lobe, typically with fine ridges parallel to the hinge; a deeper anterior disc, flanked by slender ridges; a broader posterior disc, and finally a roughly triangular auricle. Umbones prominent, ligament and hinge teeth absent, but a dorsal articulating condyle present below the umbo, and a ventral condyle on the ventral shell margin. Animal elongate, enclosed within its burrow, which is lined with calcareous deposits. A pair of accessory plates present posteriorly at the tips of the siphons.

Source: Hayward, 1990.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Bankia
Bankia fimbriatula
Genus Nototeredo
Nototeredo norvegica
Genus Psiloteredo
Psiloteredo megotara
Genus Teredo
Teredo navalis
Genus Teredora
Teredora malleolus