Familia Discodorididae

Bergh, 1891

Cryptobranchiate, tough, broad doridaceans with an ample mantle skirt. The dorsal mantle usually bears abundant, small, spiculose tubercles which have a granular appearance and texture; autotomy of the edges of the mantle occurs. Defensive acid secretion through the skin of the dorsal mantle occurs in many species. Rhinophores lamellate. Head with finger-like oral tentacles, sometimes longitudinally grooved. Propodium bilaminate, the anterior lamina notched in the midline in many cases. Feeding upon encrusting sponges. Swimming escape movements have been observed.
The penis is usually unarmed; prostate gland gathered into a greatly swollen region of the vas deferens. The buccal mass does not possess a muscular pump. Chitinous jaws are absent, but the oral canal cuticle is resistant and often exhibits microscopic honeycomb substructure. Radula n .0.n , all the teeth hooked and usually smooth, but extreme marginals may be denticulate or pectinate.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Geitodoris
Geitodoris planata