Familia Kentrodorididae

Bergh, 1892

Cryptobranchiate, broad doridaceans with an ample mantle skirt. The dorsal mantle bears abundant small, even, spiculose tubercles. Rhinophores lamellate, without conspicuous pallial sheaths. Branchial pocket lacking flap-like valves. Head with short oral tentacles. Propodium bilaminate, the anterior lamina notched in the midline. Feeding upon encrusting sponges.
The penis is unarmed, but a masculine stylet is present in Jorunna. A distinct prostate gland is present. The buccal mass does not possess a buccal pump. Chitinous jaws are absent but the oral canal is lined by a cuticle which often exhibits a microscopic substructure of small rods. Radula n .0.n , all the teeth hooked and smooth, but extreme marginals are occasionally denticulate or pectinate.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Jorunna
Jorunna tomentosa