Familia Nassariidae

Iredale, 1916

Shell oval-conical, whorls rather flat-sided, or tumid, apex sharp. Sculpture of flexuous costae, growth lines, and strap-like spiral striae; often markedly reticulate. With or without distinct periostracum. Aperture with a short, deep siphonal canal, never closed; a deep spiral channel runs from the tip of the canal to the umbilical region of the columella. Outer lip with a labial varix, thickened internally, with a row of teeth, in mature shells.
Carrion feeders, with a long eversible proboscis and no snout; siphon extends long way from the canal and carried aloft in active animals. Foot with well developed anterio-lateral horns and two metapodial tentacles; female with opening of ventral pedal gland on sole; no accessory boring organ.

Source: Hayward et al., 1990.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Nassarius
Nassarius incrassatus
Nassarius nitidus
Nassarius pygmaeus
Nassarius reticulatus