Familia Philinidae

Gray J.E., 1850

Internal shell calcareous but fragile, usually unpigmented, with a very large aperture; completely roofed over by the mantle (except in Philine denticulata ).
Cephalic shield usually, but not always, without prominent tentacular processes; parapodia large, but not meeting mid-dorsally. Posterior pallial lobe conspicuous, extending rearwards some way behind the metapodium. Gill present in mantle cavity.
Three gizzard plates, or none. Radula n .0.n (n = 1-6).

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Philine
Philine angulata
Philine aperta
Philine catena
Philine pruinosa
Philine punctata
Philine quadrata
Philine scabra