Familia Tritoniidae

Adams H. & A., 1858

Limaciform, soft dendronotaceans, the body approximately quadrilateral in transverse section. The mantle is produced to form a latero-dorsal series of delicate branched pallial gills. An oral veil is present, often notched mid-anteriorly so as to form two antero-lateral lobes; each lobe bears finger-like anterior processes which are often subdivided. The marginal process on each side is inrolled. The rhinophores each have a terminal digitiform projection with numerous branched subterminal excrescences. Anal, renal and genital openings are on the right flank.
The digestive gland consists of two lobes, fused to varying degrees in the different genera. The radula is broad, with, in each row, a median tooth and numerous lateral teeth; the first lateral tooth in each half-row is often differentiated. A pair of strong jaws is present.
The ovotestis forms a layer over the surface of the digestive gland. The penis is unarmed.

Source: Thompson, 1988.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Tritonia
Tritonia hombergi
Tritonia lineata
Tritonia plebeia