Aeolidiella glauca

(Alder & Hancock, 1845)

Animal up to 45 mm long. The body colour is pale yellow or grey-brown (A. glauca creeping); the cerata have a pinkish tinge below the tip which is capped with cream or white. The pale brown or greenish brown digestive gland extends to within a quarter and a third of the tip of each ceras, including the most anterior rows. Consequently, there is no pale 'ruff' behind the rhinophores. There is a white mottling over the whole dorsum, including the cerata and the tentacles (A. glauca-drawing); (A. glauca-eggs).

This species has been recorded feeding upon sea-anemones, such as Sagartia troglodytes, Sagartia elegans, etc.

The species is restricted to a short stretch of the European coast from Norway to Arcachon (Distr. A. glauca). It is probably absent from the Mediterranean Sea.