Jujubinus montagui

(Wood, 1828)

Description (shell):
Shell more or less pyramidal but spire a little dome-shaped; 6-7 slightly tumid whorls; last whorl bluntly keeled; spiral ridges rather broad and flat, not enlarged at the periphery. Columella rather thick, with bulge. The body is similar to both Jujubinus striatus and Jujubinus exasperatus, but the form of the shell is more cyrtoconoid.

Up to 8 x 6 mm.

Cream to pale brown with dark spots set along the spiral ridges, darker towards the apex.

Hardly different than other Jujubinus species. Colour cream, flecked with brown and white; a dark Y-shaped mark on snout. Neck lobes and cephalic lappets white, epipodial sense organs black.

Stony and gravelly bottoms 10-200 m deep. Not found intertidally.

Found on the British shores as far north as the Northern Isles (Distr. J. montagui). Also found off the Channel Islands; extends south to the Mediterranean.