Limacia clavigera

(Müller O.F., 1776)

The body length may reach 18 mm in British specimens (greater in the south Atlantic). Despite its delicate appearance, it is fairly robust. It is always white, with orange or yellow tips. The mantle edge bears paired series of strong, finger-like processes which are held erect. The frontal margin of the head has similar processes and these are beset with small papillae. Numerous low papillae project from the central dorsum and these are heavily pigmented, as also is the rear tip of the foot. Yellow-tipped lamellate rhinophores issue from plain, low sheaths. There are three (rarely four) tripinnate, yellow-tipped gills, forming an arc in front of the anal papilla. The oral tentacles are conspicuous, elongated and grooved along the upper surface. Many of these features are difficult to detect in juveniles (L. clavigera-drawing).

This species has been recorded from clean shallow sublittoral areas (rarely from the sea shore), feeding upon a variety of encrusting bryozoans, including Callopora dumerili , Cryptosula pallasiana , Electra pilosa , Membranipora membranacea , Porella concinna , Schizoporella unicornis and Umbonula littoralis .

It is known from Norway (Bergen) to the Mediterranean Sea, and from South Africa (Cape Town), to 80 m (Distr. L. clavigera).