Sepia officinalis

Linné, 1758

Body is broadly oval, maximum mantle length is 400 mm. Dorsal anterior edge of mantle developed as a blunt, rounded lobe. Fins are starting directly at the anterior edge of the mantle and they are extending beyond the edge noticeably, reaching anteriorly to level of posterior edge of eyes; fins widen at posterior part of the mantle. Arms are relatively short, comprising less than half of the combined length of head and arms; arms have four rows of suckers; central pair of arms is broadly flattened dorso-ventrally; all arms have acute outer edges.
There are 5 longitudinal rows of conspicuously unequal club suckers, 5-7 suckers of the median row being clearly larger than others (S. officinalis-photo).
The internal shell has a spine, outline is elongate-oval, almost parallel-sided (may be slightly concave on sides) and smoothly rounded posteriorly. Posterior part of shell is widened, edges of outer cone are wide. Shell width in males is 30-40 % of shell length, in females 33-42 %.

Shallow sublittoral, and offshore to 250 m. Common inshore during summer months.

Widely distributed. From the Shetland Islands, southern Norway and southern part of the North Sea to the Cape of Good Hope and along south-eastern coasts of Africa and Mozambique. Abundant on all British coasts (Distr. S. officinalis).