Familia Buccinidae

Rafinesque, 1815

Shell with a tall spire, last whorl 60-75 % of the shell height; adult shell of most species large (commonly 50- 100 mm or more). Sculpture of spiral striae, which may or may not be prominent, with or without costae. When present, the costae are very prominent, crescentic or orthocline. Aperture commonly large, broadly oval, sometimes more elongate; siphonal canal frequently short, never closed.
Proboscis eversible; no snout. Siphon long, commonly projecting well beyond tip of canal in active animals. Foot like that of muricids, but lacks an accessory boring organ; operculum with a terminal or a central nucleus. Common on soft substrata.

Source: Hayward et al., 1990.

The following subtaxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Beringius
Beringius turtoni
Genus Buccinum
Buccinum humphreysianum
Buccinum hydrophanum
Buccinum undatum
Genus Colus
Colus gracilis
Colus islandicus
Colus jeffreysianus
Genus Liomesus
Liomesus ovum
Genus Neptunea
Neptunea antiqua
Neptunea contraria
Genus Troschelia
Troschelia berniciensis
Genus Volutopsius
Volutopsius norwegicus