Odostomia lukisii

Jeffreys, 1859

Description (shell):
Shell is relatively broad, short cone, with cyrtoconoid spire and exceedingly flat apex. The 4-5 postlarval whorls meet at slightly incised sutures. Whorls are somewhat tumid with narrow subsutural shelf. Last whorl occupies 65-70 % of shell height. Growth lines are nearly orthocline, straight. Aperture short (occupies 40-45 % of shell height), may be a little flared at the base. Umbilical groove and umbilicus well-marked. Tooth is obvious, though not so prominent as in Odostomia eulimoides . In side view the outer lip is nearly straight and very slightly prosocline.

Up to 4 x 2 mm.

Ivory-white with usually shiny surface.

The animals of this species are more or less identical in form and in colouring to those of other Odostomia species.

They are amongst the commonest of intertidal pyramidellids and may be found amid the tubes of fairly large assemblages of Pomatoceros , on which they feed; they also occur on similar masses of Serpula and Spirorbis.

Extends from the Bay of Biscay to the west coast of southern (Distr. O. lukisii).